Do you like Quiplash 2? Of course you do!
Do you like Jerry Holkins, Kris Straub, Nika Harper, Graham Stark, and Kathleen De Vere? Of course you do!
Well you should check out this panel and watch these awesome people play this awesome game. If you are unfamiliar, it’s just gonna be a bunch of hilarious people making snarky responses to questions while you vote on a winner live from your phone.
Moderator: Evan Jacover [Chief Technical Officer, Moby Games] and Spencer Ham [Senior Creative Director, Website]
Panelists: Mike Builder [Chief Executive Officer, Moby Games], Nika “Nikosaur” Harper [Writer, Website], Kris Straub [Cartoonist, Website], Graham Stark [Co-Creator/Director/Actor, Mastadon], Kathleen De Vere [Writor/Actor/Editor, Mastadon], Jerry Holkins