Winning is good, and losing is bad. We strive to win, and this is the basis for most of the games we play. Challenges are binary: we either overcome them, advancing the story, or fail, and must try...
Tag: lecture
Ron created many of the iconic LucasArts adventure games, such as Maniac Mansion and Monkey Island, and is responsible for the iconic scripting language SCUMM which was used in subsequent games. He...
Wil Wheaton once again talks with the folks at the Seattle PAX. Wil talks about gaming, how much he sucks at Scrabble, and not being a dick. There's a great Q&A where Evil Wil Wheaton explains why he...
Wil Wheaton once again talks with the folks at the Seattle PAX. Wil talks about gaming, how much he sucks at Scrabble, and not being a dick. There's a great Q&A where Evil Wil Wheaton explains why he...
NACVGM 2020 – Stand by Me: Sounds of Queer Utopias and Homosexual Panic in Final Fantasy XV
When Final Fantasy XV was released in 2016, the JRPG highlighted several new features for the series including both open-world game play and an all-male central cast. The director Hajime Tabata...
NACVGM 2020 – Queer Aesthetics and Game Music, or, Has Video Game Music Always Been Queer?
Research concerning game music and identity has included discussions of gender (Austin, 2018), class (Ivănescu, 2018) and disability (Plank, 2018). This paper addresses issues of queer sexuality. ...