Our Mission, Vision, and Values

The mission of The Unofficial Convention Archives is to preserve the rich history of fan conventions by gathering and showcasing recordings, stories, and information about these events. We strive to honor the contributions of those who have helped create a vibrant community of fans by centralizing this information and making it easily accessible to anyone interested in learning more. Our goal is to inspire future generations to connect with others who share their interests and to ensure that the stories of these events are told for generations to come.

Our vision at The Unofficial Convention Archives is to become the ultimate resource for researchers and fans alike, providing a comprehensive and open collection of materials related to fan conventions. Through the careful curation of physical programs, websites, internal communications, schedules, marketing materials, and audio/video recordings, we aspire to offer a unique perspective into the culture and community of these events, as seen through the eyes of attendees, organizers, and volunteers. Our ultimate goal is to create a dynamic and informative resource that is accessible to all and celebrates the rich diversity of fan culture around the world.

Values Statement for Our Business:

At our company, we believe in creating accessible resources for as many people as possible. We value Open Access and understand that the resources we create become a collective memory for many individuals. Therefore, we strive to make our products and services available to everyone.

Collaboration is an essential part of our business. We believe in working with other organizations and individuals to create new things that benefit all. We understand that working together can bring attention to stories and places outside our immediate scope and make a more significant impact.

Respect is a crucial value for us. We understand that our stories and resources are often personal and sensitive. Therefore, we are committed to respecting our stories and the people involved in them. We shall omit subjects and topics to the public if people directly involved request it.

Transparency is essential to us. We strive to keep our community informed about what is happening in our business. We believe that the more people have access to information about our decisions, the more they will understand our vision and the steps we take to achieve our goals.

Trust is paramount to us. We understand that our stories and resources represent the culture and history of a time. Therefore, we are committed to ensuring they are accurate, truthful, and respectful. We believe providing context can help people understand and appreciate our shared stories.

We value boldness. We believe in taking chances and exploring new processes to better tell stories in a way that has not been done before. We can create innovative and impactful products and services by pushing the boundaries.

Finally, we are proud of what we do. We believe in excellence and strive to give our customers the highest quality products and services. We explore every option possible to ensure that our output is of the highest standard and we deliver on our promises.