PAX West 2016 – Heroes, Villains, and You: Player Choice in Game Design

RPG designers have to make a grapple check between meaningful player choice and storytelling – everyone wants to provide complete power to the player to shape the world, but developers also want to tell interesting stories using the characters and plots they have created. Obsidian Entertainment and Paradox Interactive, the team behind Pillars of Eternity and Tyranny, will explain how player choice fits into game design to strike the balance between player agency and guided story telling.

Moderator: Jessie Henning [Senior Public Relations Manager, Moby Games]

Panelists: Denise “DiDi” McMurry [Senior Dungeon Designer, Moby Games], Megan Starks [Writer and Senior Game Designer, Wesbite], Josh Sawyer [Game Designer, Twitter], Brian Heins [Lead World Designer, Moby Games], Matt MacLean [Designer, Moby Games]

Source: ParadoxExtra

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