PAX West 2016 – Geek Parents: The Joys and Challenges of Geeks Raising Geeks

We grew up as geeks and saw our hobbies grow from a niche for kids into a mainstream entertainment business. Then we had kids ourselves. So now what? Join the discussion and story sharing time about the virtues and unforeseen consequences of sharing your hobby with your kids. Where is the line between sharing and oversharing, and when do you know it is time to be a parent and set limits with regards to cosplay, access to video games or movies.  And what do kids think about it all? Come find out.

Moderator: Robert de Doelder [Lead Sound Designer, GrimoireAssemblyForge]

Panelists: Richard Weil [Chief Experience Officer, Crunchbase], Gaile Gray [Former Communication Manager], Linda Carlson [Director of Business Development, Moby Games]

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