PAX South 2016 – SOUTHERN SLAM 2016: Good Ol’ Video Game Wrestling…Live!

Sure, a Southern Slam may sound like a delicious item off the Denny’s menu, but in reality it is THE premier live video game wrestling event at PAX South 2016. Join us as an assortment of game developers and press face off in the digital squared circle AND on stage for the very first time in the great state of Texas. Will there be spandex? Probably. Will this panel blur the lines between fantasy and reality? Yes, guaranteed. Will there be a fog machine this time? ABSOLUTELY NOT.

Commentators: Aaron Trites [Comic Shop Owner, Twitter], Dave Lang [Podcaster, Twitter]

Interviewer: Pat Baer [Streamer, Twitter]

Commissioner: Greg Miller [Manager, Twitter]

Wrestlers: Amarisse Sullivan [Executive Assistant, Twitter], Trin Garritano [Game Developer, Twitter], Jenn Bane [Creative Arts Strategist, Website], Chris Watters [Communications Specialist, Twitter], Mikey Neumann [YouTuber, Twitter], Kris Straub [Cartoonist, Website], Kate Welch [UX/UI Designer, IMDB], Khahil White [Events Manager, Twitter]

Champion: Samantha Kalman [Game Designer, Twitter]

Source: League of Heels

Source: Giant Bomb Unarchived

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