PAX South 2016 – Friday the 13th: The Game – Creating “Killer” Multiplayer

How does one take a long-running franchise with 12 films and begin crafting a game that pushes boundaries while still honoring source material? Join Adam Sessler, Ronnie Hobbs, Wes Keltner, Randy Greenback, and Kedhrin Gonzalez for a conversation about Friday the 13th: The Game. Take a peek inside what it’s like working with one of the most beloved horror franchises of all time, and learn how to create modern asymmetrical multiplayer that not only stays on canon, but enhances it.

Moderator: Adam Sessler [Actor, Twitter]

Panelists: Kedhrin Gonzalez [Studio Head, Moby Games], Randy Greenback [Senior Creative Director, Twitter], Ronnie Hobbs [Creative Director, Moby Games], Charles “Chuck” Brungardt [Chief Executive Officer, Twitter]

Source: RaielPrime

Source: Box Office Maniacs

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