PAX Prime 2012 – Harassment and Bullying in Online Games: Technical Solutions v1.0

We all know the , ahem, colorful reputation that some online gaming spaces have. When trolls attack, it can go far beyond trash-talk. You can mute. You can report. You can ignore. Or as, many people have chosen, you can stop playing online games altogether. But is there more we can do to fight bullying and harassment within the games/systems themselves? Picking up where Extra Credits’ PATV episode on Harassment left off, we’ll discuss some ways that game systems can help create and sustain more welcoming communities.

Panelists: James Portnow [Game Designer, Moby Games], Elisa Melendez [Voice Actor/Musician, Website], Jason Coon [Head of Xbox Safety, Microsoft], Grace “gtz” [Twitter]

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