PAX East 2016 – Polaris Presents: Friendzone Live

We’ve got Dodger, Octopimp, Strippin, CinnamonToastKen, Crendor, and Jimmy Whetzel in this live and in living color edition of “FriendZone” at PAX East! Watch as the gang plays games and tries their best to stay on topic about what’s hot and happening in the world of gaming. Fun times guaranteed!

Panelists: Brooke “Dodger” Lawson [Owner, Twitter], Alexander “Octopimp” Gross [Voice Actor, Twitter], Eric “Crendor” Hraab [Streamer, YouTube], Kenneth Charles “Cinnamon Toast Ken” Morrison [Streamer, Twitter], Jimmy Whetzel [YouTuber, Twitter]

Source: Dubl day

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