PAX East 2015 – Dropped Frames: Inside the Minds of Full Time Streamers

Do you watch streams and have aspirations of becoming the next big Twitch star? Ever wonder what its like to be one? Join JP “itmeJP” McDaniel, Marcus “djWHEAT” Graham, CohhCarnage, and Ezekiel_III as they go in-depth and discuss the life of a full-time Twitch streamer. The cast will break down the best ways to get started, share their own unique paths that got them where they are today, and take questions from the audience.

Panelists: Zach “Ezekiel_III” Kreiger [Streamer, Twitter], John Paul “ItMeJP” McDaniel [Streamer, YouTube], Marcus “djWHEAT” Graham [Creator Consultant & Host, Twitter], Ben “CohhCarnage” Cassell [Streamer, Twitter]

Source: itmeJP

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