PAX East 2012 – How to Build an Arcade Stick

Fighting games are huge right now, and good fighting game controllers are expensive! Why go out to the store and buy a hundred and fifty dollar fight stick, when you can do it yourself for less than a hundred dollars and customize it to play exactly how you like! This panel will serve as an introduction to stick making and modding and will go over the basics of what makes a joystick including buttons, case, stick and stick parts, and wiring. It will also give you all the resources you need to attempt to make or mod their own stick at home and will provide step by step instructions on how to make a stick from scratch.

Panelists: Angelo D’Argenio [Writer, Profile], Michael Keiderling [Ajunct Faculty], Skip Smith, Adam Shang [Content Creator, Twitch]

Source: Folkric Vlogs

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