PAX East 2011 – How Your Favorite Game Companies Use Facebook

Like this. Like that. Facebook has taken the world by storm and has become a crucial platform for community managers and companies to help keep in touch with and grow their online communities. With the constant evolution of social media and Facebook in particular, you may not know some of the cool things happening on your favorite game studio’s Facebook page. Join Collin Moore (Community Management Vet) as he moderates a discussion with community managers from across the game industry (Insomniac Games, Playfish/EA, Harmonix, and Robot Entertainment), about the importance of Facebook to game companies, and how pressing the “LIKE” button is just the beginning.

Moderator: Collin Moore [Social Media Strategist, Twitter]

Panelists: Sam Houston [Online Content Manager, Playfish – EA], John Drake [VP of Games at Disney, Twitter], James Stevenson [Community Director, Twitter], Justin “SixOkay” Korthof [Digital Agency Owner, Websitebsite]

Source: Rhimey

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