PAX East 2011 – A Reverse Q&A with the Harmonix Community Team

The Harmonix Community Team spends a good part of their day answering questions about Rock Band and Dance Central on forums, in emails and on camera… but what happens when the tables are turned and they’re given free reign to question a captive audience in a PAX panel? Part focus group and part interrogation, this panel turns the traditional notion of a Q&A on its head, giving community members the opportunity to answer questions submitted by developers.

You may be wondering:”What kind of questions will be asked?” and “Do attendees answer individually or as a collective?” and “Will this be a disaster?” Continue to wonder, because the Harmonix folks aren’t dishing out any answers, only questions.

Panelists: Eric Pope [Senior Community Developer, Twitter], Aaron Trites [Comic Store Owner, Twitter], Alli Thresher [Director of Digital Content, Moby Games], John Veneron [Senior Producer, Moby Games], Jason Brau [Moby Games]

Source: The Official Harmonix Podcast

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